
Serving Chemical Plants

From 2011 to 2015, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated 37,910 fires at industrial or manufacturing facilities each year, including chemical plants. The majority of these fires (71%) were labeled as unclassified, meaning their cause was unknown. It’s difficult for workers in chemical facilities to prevent against fires when they don’t know what the cause may be. However, with enhanced fire safety equipment designed to suppress and prevent against fire events, chemical plants can be much safer, more compliant places to work.

UNITED Fire Systems provides advanced fire safety systems to chemical plants to help suppress and prevent fire events. With more than 30 years of experience in developing state-of-the-art fire safety equipment, our systems are uniquely capable of providing enhanced safety to a wide range of industrial settings. To provide your chemical plant with the fire safety it needs, contact our team to inquire about our variety of advanced fire safety systems.

Benefits of Our Products in Chemical Plants

The only way to reduce your risk of experiencing a fire event at your chemical plant is by installing an effective suppression and prevention system. By choosing a UNITED Fire Systems unit for your chemical plant, you can provide workers with the following benefits:

  • Decrease the likelihood of a fire spreading
  • Limit the number of chemical materials exposed to the fire event
  • Prevent against failures of vessels, piping, structural steel, and safety systems
  • Establish a clear line of communication between the facility and your local fire department
  • Maintain code compliance for your chemical plant

With a fire prevention system in place, you’ll not only enhance safety within your chemical plant, but you can protect against the costs of unnecessary damages incurred by a preventable fire event. Especially in chemical plants where volatile materials can cause unexpected hazards, a state-of-the-art fire suppression and prevention system is crucial for occupant and material safety. Contact UNITED Fire Systems today to find out which of our advanced products can help your chemical plant stay safer for the long-term.

UNITED Fire Systems Product Offerings for Chemical Plants

We are proud to provide chemical plants with the safety equipment they need to prevent against a catastrophic fire event. UNITED Fire Systems currently offers the following fire safety systems to help chemical plants maintain code compliance, enhance safety, and limit damage caused by a fire:

  • NITROGEN-PAC Self-Contained Series
  • NITROGEN-PAC Modular Series
  • AR-1 Air Release for Wet Sprinkler Systems

Each of our products is uniquely capable of providing advanced fire suppression and prevention in chemical plant settings. With years of industry expertise, UNITED Fire Systems can outfit your chemical plant operation with the equipment it needs to stay safe, productive, and compliant. Find out which of our unique product offerings is right for your chemical plant by contacting our team today!

UNITED Fire Systems Products for Your Chemical Plant

The only way for chemical plants to protect against a catastrophic fire event is by installing the right safety equipment. For more than 30 years, UNITED Fire Systems has perfected our fire suppression and prevention systems to provide chemical plants with the enhanced safety equipment they need. Get the advanced safety equipment you need by contacting UNITED Fire Systems today about installing a fire safety system in your chemical plant.

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Did You Know?
  • Galvanized piping is NOT the answer to controlling internal pipe corrosion!  Zinc (the metal used for galvanizing) corrodes inside a pipe the same way that bare steel does. In fact, breaching of the galvanized coating concentrates the corrosion reaction at one point, rapidly causing pits and pinholes. Galvanizing of pipes is ONLY intended to help with the external appearance of pipes. Don’t count on galvanizing – take positive steps to prevent internal corrosion such as NITROGEN-PAC.