
Serving Universities

Each year, approximately 3,800 university housing fires are reported by U.S. fire departments. Most of these fires (85%) occurred despite having smoke alarms and sprinkler systems in place, leaving many university property managers left wondering how to better protect against catastrophic damage following a fire event. Smoke alarms and sprinkler systems are insufficient to support the level of fire safety required in a university setting. Rather, universities need more robust fire safety equipment to prevent and suppress flames and mitigate damage incurred.

For more than 30 years, UNITED Fire Systems has worked to perfect our fire prevention and suppression product offerings. Our team has developed the finest fire safety equipment, designed to bring enhanced safety and compliance to university settings. Contact our team today to find out more about our complete product offerings.

Benefits of Our Products in Universities

From fraternity and sorority housing to university classrooms, there are a lot of settings that need adequate protection from fire damage. UNITED Fire Systems offers advanced fire prevention and suppression technology that can be installed in virtually any university setting. When you choose our products for your fire safety needs, you’ll gain the following benefits:

  • Reduce the chances of fires spreading to other university locations
  • Limit the number of university buildings, students, and equipment affected by a fire event
  • Prevent against student injury and death, personal property damage, and more
  • Create a clear line of communication between the university and your local fire department
  • Maintain code compliance in all university buildings

Our fire safety equipment works to not only prevent a fire event from occurring, but also suppress flames and mitigate damage when one does occur. With our systems in place, you’ll have more peace of mind knowing your students are kept out of harm’s way. Contact UNITED Fire Systems today to learn more about how our products can help enhance fire safety at your university!

UNITED Fire Systems Products & Services

At UNITED Fire Systems, we understand that effective fire prevention and suppression is not one-size-fits-all. That’s why we offer universities a wide range of available products designed to provide enhanced safety and compliance. Our team is proud to offer the following fire safety equipment:

  • NITROGEN-PAC Self-Contained Series
  • NITROGEN-PAC Modular Series
  • AR-1 Air Release for Wet Sprinkler Systems

If you’re looking to bring advanced fire safety equipment to your university, look no further than the products created by UNITED Fire Systems. We’ve worked for more than 30 years to perfect our fire prevention and suppression technology, bringing state-of-the-art equipment to universities for improved safety and compliance. With a UNITED Fire Systems unit in place, you’ll be better equipped to handle a fire event that occurs in one of your university buildings. Contact our team today to schedule fire safety equipment installation for your university!

UNITED Fire Systems for Your University

Your university deserves the fire prevention and suppression technology only UNITED Fire Systems can provide. With more than 30 years of industry experience, our team knows how to bring enhanced safety and compliance to your university to give you the utmost confidence in your fire prevention capabilities. Don’t let a fire event leave you with catastrophic damage: Contact UNITED Fire Systems today to schedule your installation appointment.

Contact Our Team
Did You Know?
  • Your dry-pipe or preaction system piping may look brand new on the outside, but what about inside? Residual water and oxygen in the pressurized air could be rusting the interior of that pipe right now. This rust can weaken the pipe, cause pinholes to form, and even clog up the sprinkler heads in the event of a fire. NFPA 25 – Standard for the Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems mandates internal inspection of sprinkler pipes at least every 5 years. Are your pipes rusty? Have them internally inspected by a qualified fire protection contractor before it’s too late.