
Register for Specification Developer

We understand that fire protection is one piece of many in the master puzzle you put together in your designs. Our goals are to make your job as easy as possible and to ensure a thorough, on-time, and accurate delivery of your specification deliverables. The UNITED Fire Systems Specification Developer is designed to aid specifiers who need to create complete, accurate specifications for specialized fire protection systems.

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of the brand-new Specification Developer version 2.01! This updated tool uses new, modern features such as drop-down menu choices, detailed tooltip descriptions, and easy access to saved specifications. Specifiers can receive any or all of the following deliverables:

  • MasterFormat specifications, identified by proper 6-digit number, and ready to be edited into a project spec book
  • Short-form specifications, when the entire MasterFormat is not required
  • AutoCAD pages, ready to be edited into contract drawing packages

Specification Developer 2.01 provides specifying engineers with these benefits:

  • Interface is easy to learn and use
    • Menu driven – just a few clicks and Specification Developer 2.01 does the work for you
    • Tooltips for additional guidance
    • Pop-up embedded information links for additional information on products to specify
    • Error messages when selections are not permitted guide you to proper corrections
  • Receive complete specification deliverables
    • Specs delivered as MasterFormat and as short specs
    • Mechanical and electrical drawing details delivered as .dwg files – ready for editing
    • Also makes .pdf files available
  • Makes your process more productive
    • Store your specs for future reference
    • All specs are kept updated online – never be behind the curve
    • Your accuracy is enhanced – fewer RFIs will be needed to clarify specification requirements or inadvertent discrepancies
    • Enjoy support from UNITED Fire Systems – one call, text, or email and we’ll help you!

Best of all, register for access and use the UNITED Fire Systems Specification Developer 2.01 at no charge!

Click Here to Start!

Did You Know?
  • Your dry-pipe or preaction fire sprinkler system can be infected! That’s right – microbes can be lurking inside your sprinkler pipes and causing damage.  Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) occurs when the right combination of moisture and microbial organisms produces rapid corrosion of steel piping from the inside out. MIC is not the only cause of steel pipe corrosion, but it is important to know about and mitigate this problem BEFORE it causes pitting, pinholes, and thinning of pipe walls. Take steps to prevent both rust and MIC by using NITROGEN-PAC.