
Industries & Markets We Serve

A lot can be learned about us from knowing the types of companies that choose and trust us to be the overseer of their critical fire protection responsibilities. Our customers include:

Our team is happy to serve you. To schedule service or learn more about our offerings, give us a call at 908.688.0300 or contact us online!

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You're looking for expertise and quality. That's where we come in.

Did You Know?
  • Galvanized piping is NOT the answer to controlling internal pipe corrosion!  Zinc (the metal used for galvanizing) corrodes inside a pipe the same way that bare steel does. In fact, breaching of the galvanized coating concentrates the corrosion reaction at one point, rapidly causing pits and pinholes. Galvanizing of pipes is ONLY intended to help with the external appearance of pipes. Don’t count on galvanizing – take positive steps to prevent internal corrosion such as NITROGEN-PAC.